Just a quick post to let you know that:
a) I haven't been scrapping as I can't finish tidying up my new scrap room and I don't have a free inch to work on! In case you don't believe me, I have just taken this picture as proof!
Yes, I know, I shouldn't be posting pictures of this awful mess, but I wanted you to understand why I haven't been scrapping, I just don't know where to start tidying up! Plus, there's my daughter's playroom, which is not as big a mess but only because we clean up everyday, and I am working on creating play areas (house area, dress up area, reading area, arts area, etc), which is taking lots of time. I start doing one thing, then have an idea for the other room, go do that, have another idea for another room in the middle, and go do something else, and I never finish!!!!!!!!!! I promise I'll post pictures of my scraproom once I finish, so you can stop having nightmares with this picture!
b) my friend Betty Anne is having a fantastic blog candy giveaway. Here is the wonderful candy you can win by visiting her blog, Let's Get Scrap Happy.
Plus, I know she's organizing a big surprise for Let's Scrap members for the beginning of next year so, if you are not a member yet, you should seriously consider becoming one! I tell you you can't miss it.
Hope to be posting some layouts soon, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments!