Monday, February 07, 2011

Mango picking

I started thinking on a LO for Let's Scrap's Resolution #9 yesterday morning, and it was hard! The instructions are to scrap a moment that makes you laugh or smile, and I kept changing pictures, choosing different moments from our life in Libya, from our trips, thinking about journalling for them. While I was doing that, I heard DH and DD picking up mangoes from the tree in the front garden. They love doing that on weekends, and it always brings a smile to my face, as they really enjoy picking and eating those mangoes -and doing it together. I decided to take a picture of that moment and scrap it.  

I wanted to go for a cleaner style, and it was very hard, as I have been adding tons of stuff to my layouts lately. It's not 100% clean style, but it is a style change. I like changing styles every so often, it helps keep me motivated. Still 7 LOs to finish before Feb 14th, lots of scrapping this week!

1 comment:

La Vikinga said...

I can't believe your picking mangos... It sounds soooo exotic you cannot even imagine how we in countries where there are apples and pears feel! We want to take the next plane and go there when we see pictures like this!


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